Calling all Scifi fangals

This is a call to action for anyone out there who considers themselves a fan of scifi shows. I want to hear from you and give you a voice. So I’m opening up a “contest” of sorts. You’ll see below a questionnaire that I’ve already pre-filled out, based on myself. Simply copy and paste the questionnaire that is here into an email, replace my answers with yours, and send it to me at

I’m going to compile the results and choose a couple of people to “interview” further and then write up blogs about some of you amazing fangirls. (Sorry guys, as much as I heart ya, I’m sticking with the ladies on this one. Your time will come!) This questionnaire can be either anonymous or not, just let me know! By April 15, I’ll be compiling all the results, and sending out emails to the people I’ve chosen to interview further. Looking forward to hearing your answers!

Name (real name or most used handle): SciFi_queen on twitter
City rat or country mouse:
City rat

Please choose only 1 person/show for each of the below. I know it may be tough, but I want to have quantitative results.
Favorite Current SciFi TV show:
Favorite All-Time SciFi TV show:
Favorite SciFi movie: Donnie Darko
Favorite SciFi actress:
Amanda Tapping
Favorite SciFi actor:
Edward James Olmos
Favorite All-time SciFi female character: Laura Roslin
Favorite All-time SciFi male character: Colonel Jack O’Neill
Favorite current SciFi female character: Dr. Helen Magnus
Favorite current SciFi male character: Nikola Tesla (Sanctuary)
Which cancelled SciFi show are you most upset about? (why?):
Defying Gravity, because they had an interesting story-arc, and it never had a chance to get fully flushed out!
Which show do you miss the most?:
BSG… definitely BSG… *sighs* it was my first.

How did you get into SciFi? (tv show you liked, mentor, friend, interesting story, etc…):
Seriously? I fell into it by accident. I was more of a fantasy geek, and I still really am, but I followed Lucy Lawless from Xena to BSG, and then fell in love with the tv show. It was the first SciFi show that I watched religiously, and it was the first tv show on syfy (previously scifi channel) that I ever watched.

What was your very first SciFi experience?:
When I was younger I used to watch Star Trek:TNG with my brother, and I used to pretend that I was Dr. Beverly Crusher, and that my brother was Riker. I didn’t really like the show, but I liked to hang out with my brother who I never saw. (He’s 17 years older than I am)

Are you part of a fandom?:
Maybe… I tend to dabble, but I’m not so sure I’m officially “a member” of any.

If yes above, which one(s)?:
If any, Sanctuary.

Have you ever been to a convention?:
Yes. My very first one was by accident (I walked into NY Comic Con thinking it was the travel show about 3 years ago). However, I have since actually gone to an actual convention, my very first one, when I attended AT4.

If yes above, which one(s)?:

Have you ever traveled out of your country to another country for a convention?:
Yes, I went to London for AT4

Have you ever dressed up (costume) for a convention?:
At AT4 there was an abnormal ball, and I definitely dressed up in full costume with body paint, leaves, and all kinds of things hanging off of me.

Do you have plans to attend any future conventions?:
Yes. I’ll be going to The Sanctuary Experience in Vancouver, and am still debating AT5, and actually going to go to NY Comic Con this year!

Do you find that you have more friends online who are interested in the shows you watch, rather than people who you see on a daily basis?:
Yes, actually. Almost all of the friends who I met without the internet do not watch the same shows that I do. I find that I watch shows like BSG, Sanctuary, or other shows, I usually watch them alone. That’s why I find myself logging onto things like twitter and MSN and chatting with people.

Have you ever participated in a WAL (watch along) with any scifi show?:
Yes. A couple of my online friends and I would log onto MSN and watch eppies of Stargate together. I miss those days.

As a fan of a SciFi show, what do you see your role as?:
Bizarre question, I know, but what I’m trying to get at, is, do you find that often you’re defending your show, or trying to get other people to watch it? Or, viral marketing it? A while back a group of us were able to get #SanctuarySunday a trending topic, and because of that I always wondered if people became interested in why, and did a search for it… In the back of my mind, it’s the power of the fans to be able to sort of get the word out about a show that they like.

If you were given the chance, which character, from any show, or any movie would you want to bring to life?:
I’d love to meet Dr. Helen Magnus from Sanctuary. She’s such an awesome character with so much depth and history. She’s seen things and lived through nearly 3 centuries which is, insane. The advances in science that she’s witnessed are enough to make me exceptionally jealous of her character… I’d love to sit down and pick her brain.

Who do you feel is the strongest female character in SciFi and why?: Honestly, I love Laura Roslin, which is funny, because I really dislike Bush, and she’s very much so a “Bush” figure… however, the times when she has to be so staunch and conservative are because they’re fighting not just for their lives, but for the lives of the only things left of the human race. She’s deep, she’s passionate, she’s funny, and while she has a position of ultimate authority, she’s also quite feminine.

Who do you feel is one of the worst female characters in SciFi and why?:
This question, I know I’ll have some interesting answers to. But I want your honest to goodness opinion. Maybe not the worst, but not the best… Don’t say “none” Because there has to be some character out there that gets on your nerves.
My answer is Sierra from Dollhouse. Now, she works as a side-character, but that’s about it, and that’s why i really don’t like her. In all honesty, I found her to be very interesting in the last episode… While I may get crucified for saying this by all geeks out there, I’m not, and haven’t ever really been a fan of Joss Whedon. He tends to not be a great writer of women… Sierra, in my opinion, is an example of this. She’s flat, and without little character development. Now, mind you, I don’t HATE whedon… but, I feel like he sometimes allows women to have the same generic roles.

Who is your favorite writer and why?:
Ronald Moore. Seriously. The guy is a genius. To be able to write a space soap opera that is so succinct, and yet has so many hidden turns is truly amazing. Plus, the writers he hired seemed to work so well together, and created fully flushed out characters who also were extremely ambiguous… and he did so by pulling from current events, and creating a social commentary about the time period. It’s just… amazing to me.


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2 responses to “Calling all Scifi fangals

  1. Name: Ellie Wilson
    Age: 24
    Country: USA
    City rat or country mouse: City rat

    Favorite Current SciFi TV show: Sanctuary
    Favorite All-Time SciFi TV show: Stargate SG-1
    Favorite SciFi movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
    Favorite SciFi actress: Amanda Tapping
    Favorite SciFi actor: Christopher Heyerdahl
    Favorite All-time SciFi female character: Samantha Carter
    Favorite All-time SciFi male character: Worf
    Favorite current SciFi female character: Dr. Helen Magnus (Sanctuary)
    Favorite current SciFi male character: John Druitt (Sanctuary)
    Which cancelled SciFi show are you most upset about? (why?): Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. There was no resolution for one thing.
    Which show do you miss the most?: Farscape

    How did you get into SciFi? (tv show you liked, mentor, friend, interesting story, etc…): You know, I believe it was a result of my mother reading me H. Beam Piper’s “Fuzzy” series as a bedtime story when I was a child because she happen to be reading them at the time.

    What was your very first SciFi experience?: H. Beam Piper’s “Fuzzy” series as bedtime stories.

    Are you part of a fandom?: Yes.

    If yes above, which one(s)?:
    Stargate SG-1, Sanctuary, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: Voyager

    Have you ever been to a convention?:

    If yes above, which one(s)?:
    A Stargate SG-1 Creation Con in Dallas/Fort Worth and New Mexico’s annual Bubonicon.

    Have you ever traveled out of your country to another country for a convention?: Not for a SciFi convention.

    Have you ever dressed up (costume) for a convention?: Yes. All the time.

    Do you have plans to attend any future conventions?: Yes.

    Do you find that you have more friends online who are interested in the shows you watch, rather than people who you see on a daily basis?: Yes. Definitely.

    Have you ever participated in a WAL (watch along) with any scifi show?: Why yes. I was there at the inception of the Stargate SG-1 WAL on Twitter.

    As a fan of a SciFi show, what do you see your role as?: I feel it is my duty to spread the love to those receptive.

    If you were given the chance, which character, from any show, or any movie would you want to bring to life?: Yeah. I’d have to say Helen Magnus too. I almost said Ashley Magnus for obvious reason but Helen would just be fascinating to meet.

    Who is your favorite writer and why?: I don’t really have a particular favorite writer. I have favorite universes and time periods within those universes but I don’t really care who writes them as long as I get to read them.

  2. Thanks! But can you do me a huge favor, and send this to my email:

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